
Wizarding World website

 Wizarding World Website

Building the official hub for fans of Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts

An encyclopaedia of Wizarding content

As Creative Director at Wizarding World Digital, I built a digital creative team and lead the design work for official online hub for Wizarding World. It needed to house compelling content that represented every angle of a huge franchise with complex cannon and a 25 year old heritage. In addition we needed to solve for complex user journeys including registration and user profiles, e-commerce, parental consent flows, numerous brand partnerships and paid subscription models. We also tackled integrations with third party products within the franchise, allowing users to use their profiles across games such as Wizards Unite and Hogwarts Legacy.
The website is just one aspect of an ecosystem of digital products for this well loved family of brands that I worked across.

Discovering your wizarding identity

Allowing users to discover their wizarding selves and cement their place in the story, the wizarding identity experiences are a key part to creating long term loyalty and affection to the brand. Under the Harry Potter Fan Club branding and positioning I helped to develop, users can take part in the following:

Be sorted into your Hogwarts House

The Wand Chooses the Wizard

Wizarding World Favourites

Representing every franchise touchpoint

The Wizarding World franchise represents a rich and complex family of brands and experiences. Many fans first discovered the world via the book and film series, but new audiences may first engage with a game, a play, a theme park or even consumer products. The creative challenge was to ensure all aspects of the franchise were represented and every type of fan felt valued - no matter their entry point or level of knowledge.